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The Companion Planting Guide & Binder
You will gain access to the following digital items:
The Companion Planting Guide & Binder ($17)
Everything you need to create beautiful, companion planted gardens that give you better harvests and less problems!
The Yearly Garden Planner ($12)
Everything you need to plan your most successful garden ever!
Attracting Beneficial Insects ($9)
Learn how to use and attract beneficials to your garden to reduce pests and increase pollination.
How to Grow & Use Calendula Guide ($9)
Learn to grow and use this amazing herb (and all-purpose companion plant!)
Total Value: $47
A one-of-a-kind resource on companion planting that you need to get in your hands before your planting season begins. We love everything about this resource–plant profiles, organic pest control recipes, easy to read companion planting charts, resources for planning and more. We’ve gardened for quite a few years and learned so much more about effectively managing pests through organic methods. We can’t wait to try out these methods this growing season!